
Showing posts from 2013

How to leave Devon, if you need to!

Spreadsheets - the good, the bad and the ugly

Farewell to the journal OR Insight

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in the Stone Age

Harriet Vane and food statistics

Sequential decision making - on Maltese buses

The power of analogy

An optimisation problem with letters

Good and bad statistical reporting

TB stands for Troublesome Badgers

The Tube Challenge and Underground Mathematics

What a silly question!

Problems with forecasts

Identifying the decision maker

OR55 day three - the last day

OR55 the gala dinner

OR55 day two

OR55 simulation stream on day one

OR55 day one

OR55 day zero

OR55 minus 1

OR55 minus 2

Skewed probability distributions and airline fares

Don't mangle your English in your reports (1)

Twice as good - again?

Twice as good?

Messy problems and messy data

The fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.

The problem with cost-benefit analysis

Announcing simulation model "Conference optiloo"

Silicon Valley Men's Room Problem

Silly statistics, family style, Kipling and Bondi