OR55 minus 2
The 55th OR Society conference starts in two days time. A couple of hundred members of the ORSociety and a few non-members will arrive on Monday or Tuesday. We have been working on the event for the last year; we, means the conference organiser, Hilary, my co-chair Phil Jones, and others on the committee. The material is prepared, and today we have had a flurry of emails about last-minute matters. Two sessions lacked session chairs - could we have volunteers? Is there a map to show how to move from session to accommodation and vice versa? We have just learnt of a visitor to the university who is interested in OR. - can we invite him to the reception?
Operational research is about problem solving, so we have done it!
More about the conference later.
Operational research is about problem solving, so we have done it!
More about the conference later.
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