Location, location, location

Estate agents (real estate agents) often say that the most important factor in purchasing a home is its location.  Locating major facilities for business is a serious economic matter.  My attention was caught by a reference to a recent paper about locating a really big facility.

The paper: Selection of the most practical Malaysian port for enhancing the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park business trade appears in International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 9(4):500 · January 2017 and is authored by Noorul Shaiful Fitri Abdul Rahman and Ahmad Fayas Ahmad Najib

They used the Analytic Hierarchy Process to compare four sites, using five criteria: (1) distance, (2) journey time, (3) bunker cost, (4) port facilities, (5) distribution centre [I'm not sure what this means, either]  

Clearly this was a successful exercise, convincing the decision-makers.  Well done!


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