A transportation problem - part 2

Late last year, I posted about the informal use of lay-bys near road junctions as places where car-sharing could happen.  My observation was that there are many places where a free parking place near a road intersection is almost certain to be used as a rendezvous spot.  And this raised questions about optimising "the system" as well as the size of such an informal parking place. 

A few days ago, we drove past one of the lay-bys (on the North Devon Link Road) that had been regularly used by car-sharing people.  It was almost empty.  Why? Because there were signs to restrict the waiting to 60 minutes.  At a stroke the value of that lay-by for saving energy has been cancelled.  I don't know who arranged that the restriction be imposed.  If Devon County Council were responsible, then there's a problem.  Because the County Council actively encourages car-sharing

But, as I said in the earlier post, informal car parks cost money, and there is no direct revenue for the provider.  It is a case of defining the system one wants to optimise; the use of the lay-by (opening it up for people who want to have a short stop by the road) or the use of energy (giving commuters a place to leave their cars). 

So who can bring some joined-up thinking to this matter?

And where are the commuters who used to use that lay-by?


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